Clarity Is the Key: Stepping Out of Confusion

By: Beth Durling MS, CADCII, ICADC

Confusion is our responsibility.

It’s that dizzying vertigo, that unsettling sensation where nothing feels quite solid. The energy shifts, becomes unpleasant, and suddenly, you’re not sure what’s happening or how to respond. And in that moment—when the ground feels like it’s slipping out from under you—most of us react. We lash out. We defend. We make decisions from a place of uncertainty, trying to grab onto anything that feels stable.

But here’s the truth: clarity isn’t found in reaction. Clarity is found in pause.

If you could detach, just for a moment, from people, places, circumstances—if you could slow the pace all the way down and stop trying to force solutions—you’d recognize something vital: you may not have clarity yet.

What Is Clarity?

Clarity is your boundary.

Clarity defines who you are and who you’re not.

Clarity determines what you will allow and what you won’t.

It’s easy to assume that the people around us are experiencing life the same way we are. That they see what we see, feel what we feel, interpret situations with the same lens. But the truth? Every single person is living inside their own movie.

Don Miguel Ruiz speaks to this—each of us is the main character in our own cinema. We are each unfolding our own story, shaped by our own experiences, our own domestication, our own spiritual path. Two people in the same room are not having the same experience. They are not even in the same story.

So what does that mean?

It means we stop trying to convince other people of our truth and start living it.

It means we stop explaining ourselves and start embodying who we actually are.

Because once you recognize what your clear story is—once you know your needs, your boundaries, your calling—you stop trying to manipulate the outside world into compliance. Instead, you simply live in alignment with your clarity.

Clarity and the Life You Want

God has made promises over your life. Abundance. Provision. Protection. But you cannot move into reciprocal, thriving relationships until you are clear on who you are and what you are called to do.

And that’s where the work starts.

Make a list.

    •    Who are you?

    •    Who are you not?

    •    What will you do?

    •    What won’t you do?

And then—replace the explaining with action.

If you find yourself in a conversation that doesn’t align with your clarity, exit. Take a breath. Step away.

If you’re in a relationship that doesn’t match your clarity, pause. That doesn’t mean you have to walk away entirely or detach in some grand finality. Just pause. Lean back. Move into solitude. Let clarity come.

And when it does? You’ll know exactly how to move forward.

Living in the Middle Ground

Most people believe they have two choices:

    1.    Be all in—tolerating, compromising, convincing.

    2.    Be all out—cutting people off, walking away, never looking back.

But there’s a middle ground. A space where you can love deeply and still live fully in your truth.

God loves all the way to the end—without conditions. But He also has boundaries. He has expectations for how we are to live. And if we are to follow His example, we must learn to stand in that same truth: 

unconditional love with unwavering clarity.

Because clarity isn’t just about knowing what you want. It’s about knowing what you’ll no longer accept. It’s about exiting confusion and walking in your own authority.

This is your soul’s journey. Your rite of passage. Your stake in the ground.

And your clarity is the key to the life you were meant to live.

Salt Sound Marketing

Salt Sound connects people to products + services through a holistic approach to brand marketing. We develop, design and execute in digital and experiential channels.

Communicating Boundaries: A New Approach